Ideal for testing the extraction force of cylindrical cork stoppers of still wines in accordance with established international test standards. Ensures corks can be comfortably removed by the consumer, without them sliding too easily into the bottle when opening.
Affordable and accurate motorized pull tester designed to meet the cork extraction testing requirements of ISO 9727-5
Identify problems quickly
Spot production issues in cork/bottle configuration, eg cork difficult to remove, cork slides to easily into bottle, cork breaks during extraction
Easy operation
Carry out testing quickly and easily with a single button push to monitor cork coatings and seal integrity

Test to ISO 9727-5
Meets the cork extraction testing requirements of ISO 9727-5 (30 cm/min constant speed)
Accurate and versatile
Allows testing of cork in bottle and also cork in glass tube (to simulate bottle neck) in accordance with ISO 9727-5. Suitable for natural, technical and synthetic corks